Taiwan Root
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Worldwide Vision

Resource Integration

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Resource Integration and Humanpower Training:


1.Construct Aboriginal Medical Support System and Case Assistance Resource Network


   Description: Combine social and human resources to expand social workers and volunteer services, and implement case referral and overall service. In addition to medical care, Taiwan Root aims to construct an overall support system and social resource network to leave a lasting and effective impact in helping the aborigines.



2. Planning Volunteer Human Resource Database Description:


To facilitate public interest groups’ recruitment of professional volunteers to meet actual needs


A. Establishment of a volunteer and member database

B Establish a volunteer conservation ecology professional explanation

C. Establish a volunteer education and training program

D. Establish volunteer technical service resources


Information integration:


1. Build and expand internal and external network systems

2. Establish website's automated management mechanisms and processes

3. Establish medical records management system and virtual medical library

4. Establish human resources database and application

5. Establish electronic news transmission system and Taiwan Root’s publication management system

6. Establish aboriginal electronic collection website


▲Nonprofit Organization Portal Internal Management Software (NPO Portal)

▲ Donation Management System (DMS)

▲ Case Management System (CMS)

▲ Volunteer Management System (VMS)

▲ Member Management system (MMS)▲ Mobile hospital medical record management system (radio frequency application)

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